John Kane

Tile image

Age when this tile was made: 10

Where did you live when you made this tile?

Teele SQ, Newbury St

Where else have you lived in Somerville?

Well I guess you would consider me a townie.I have lived all over Somerville.My family grew up in Somerville.I lived outside of Union Sq as a small child (early 70s)...Teele Sq,of course (mid to late 70s 80s).I mainly grew up in East Somerville near Sullivan Station(80s and 90s).This is were where my teen -age -angst -ridden -metal -head -years were spent...good times!

Where do you live now?

Salem, Massachusetts
BTW,there are absolutely NO witches in Salem.

Do you consider Somerville your hometown? Yes

What is your earliest Somerville memory?

My Nana (R.I.P.) pushing me in a giant green baby carriage on a crisp Fall day) up on Prospect Hill.Halloween on Aldersey Street,Woolworth's in Davis Sq Oh and some really old school Department Store that I suffered in as my mother shopped.Tom and Jerry at the Somerville Theater.

How would you describe Somerville in the 1980s?

Somerville in the 80s socially was still like a small town.Families and friends knew each other....word got around quickly.Somerville has become much more urban..its much bigger to me now strangely enough.East and West Somerville seem to be more segregated now more than ever.

How would you describe Somerville today?

An extension of Cambridge and Boston truthfully. Somerville is rich with diversity and always was and always will be..for this Iove it. It is my hometown. Every so often I go to Vinnys get a Super Italian and do a drive by in the Old Neighborhood.

How has Somerville changed?

Most Definitley!
Well he red line extended Cambridge into Davis Sq for one.Before this Davis was like the Wild West.Once Somerville became one of the most desirable places to live,most of the blue collar folks (the large irish, italian,portuguese families) moved out.They either sold their homes,rented them ,or couldn't afford to live there any longer.I believe this to be true.Also,Tufts became bigger and more sprawling.East Somerville now has an enormously large and growing Brazilian population.What saddens me is that Davis Sq has such a high turnover in businesses.

Memories of growing up in Somerville: Kramer VS Kramer, Star Wars, Alien, Grease, and countless other movies at the Somerville theater.
I still have friends and family in Somerville.We quite often hit the Mount Vernon for a Beer or two and talk about the old times.I have so many shoveling snow for money in the old neighborhood, cruising around in my burgundy Cutlass Supreme up and down Broadway...hahaha ridiculous!

Here are some articles about John Kane's work:
2007 Article: Citizen Kane: Artist finds inspiration in telemarketing

2008 Article: What a Rush

2009 Articles:
Founder of new North Shore music festival in it for community, not cash
First North Shore Folk Fest draws hundreds to Old Town Hall